
hasa - | hāsa | derived from sanskrit or pali root for laugh, laughter, smile

verb [intrans.]
• make the spontaneous sounds and movements of the face and body that are the instinctive expressions of lively amusement: she couldn’t help laughing at his jokes.
• dismiss something embarrassing, unfortunate, or potentially serious by treating it in a lighthearted way or making a joke of it: he shrugged and laughed off the mistake.
• ( be laughing) informal, in a fortunate or successful position: we’ll be laughing when we win.

• an act of laughing: she gave a loud, silly laugh.
• a person who is good fun or amusing company: I like Peter; he’s a good laugh.
• a source of fun or amusement: he knew his performance was good for a laugh.
• (a laugh) informal, a thing that causes laughter: that's a laugh, the idea of you getting a hole in one.

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